Hey there, stranger!

Welcome to the less-professional, more-personal side of my website. If you saw the homepage and decided you wanted to know more about me, you’re in the right place.

(But if you’re not, then maybe have a picture of my cat son, Fu Yao, before you leave?)

Okay, so...

What's my story?

Growing up in Malaysia, my parents would take me to the local Popular bookstore every time they needed to shop for groceries. Getting a relative to babysit me would cost time and energy, but letting me entertain myself with books was free.

(They thought reading English novels would spark an interest in teaching or lawyering. Needless to say, they were wrong.)

I started writing in 2015, headed to Nottingham Malaysia for a Creative Writing degree and since then, I’ve racked up a few publications and some minor writer achievements, such as:

Cool! Where do I find your writing?

For Volumes 4-6 of the NutMag zine series (including the special NutMag: Home Groan anthology), you can get your own copy here. But if you’re interested in full-length novels, I’m working on a magical realism book titled The Return of Spring, which features a queer autistic protagonist, found family, and tiny magic homes that represent relationships with your loved ones. I’ll tell you where to find that one if and when it gets published!

(Unless you’re an agent or editor, and you’re open to submissions, in which case I’ll subtly nudge you towards my the bottom part of my Writing page before ducking back into my gremlin cave.)